Unfortunately not yet. Regulation accepting payments in crypto makes this payment option difficult for us to implement currently. Our payment options are the usual options you will recognise from other online shops – an encrypted card payment solution in DKK done...
Yes. But note: You should always(!) use API keys with “read only” rights for your exchange accounts. That way, no one can use the API keys for anything other than reading data. We have created detailed instructions on how to create such read only keys on the...
No. CryptoSkat only calculates gain and loss on your crypto transactions. We encrypt your data to ensure it remains safe. How you do your tax return and submit data to authorities in that context is your business...
Why is the Danish tax legislation constructed in such a way that I am taxed far more heavily on gains than I can get a deduction for losses? Because specific tax legislation has not yet been made in the same way as is the case for trading shares and other asset...